About Us
Building dependable work saws since 2015. At HMWF the Dyno tells the tale, performance gains you can see and feel.

Cylinder machining
Setup to cut the squishband, reducing the combustion chamber volume. This along with material off the cylinder base gives a nice bump in compression.

An example of a finished cylinder. Intake, Exhaust and Transfer ports all modified. Port width, time and area all altered to maximize power and running characteristics

Muffler modifications
More air entering an engine needs to be able to get out as well. Muffler mods are included with full porting.
We will do mail in muffler mods too.

More power less weight
Weekend warrior, Firewooder, Enthusiast, Arborist, Tree service Production faller. More power less weight. More wood on the ground,less wear on your body.

We work on used saws too
We will modify and rebuild some used pro series saws. Along with building some Hybrids too.
Let us know if you have a good running used saw you would like to have modified.